Let’s brush up your hair and beard at the surprising salon of Le Barbier des Voyeurs!
By https://francevisiting.com/index.php/2021/03/15/le-barbier-des-voyeur
Who never wished to be taken care into a quality place? Le Barbier des Voyeurs is a brand new trendy Parisian beauty salon, that recalls a family story that started more than 10 years ago with the birth of the first Voyeurs Optic store, located just in front of it. At that time, thisavant-gardeboutique was already considered as a pioneering optical salon, with the wish to surprise and offer an exceptional service for the beauty of faces with a range of craftsman eyewear.
Thereafter, recently inaugurated in 2020 in the classy 7th district of Paris, just a few steps away from the famous Bon Marché store, Le Barbier Des Voyeurs may be easily regarded as a hybrid place. Both a beauty salon and a concept store, this authentic lifestyle temple gathers in one place, a mysterious but charming atmosphere, through the combination of a beauty salon and a concept store.
Thus, if you wish to design your hair and beard in a new way, why don’t you ask for the expertise of this upcoming illustrious Parisian full of surprises?By Alex Plato
The wedding between blue and red tones…
Indeed, in this real temple ofmasculinebeauty, discover a certainlifestylevision developed byTom Uzan, the founder of this revolutionaryParisianconcept (photo credits: Le Barbier Des Voyeurs).
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from 2020, it’s that it’s good to take time for yourself. When you are lucky enough to be inParis, a whole range of premiumhotspotsis available to you. Today we invite you to discover a fabulousbeautyspot at the disposal of anygentleman, and simply baptizedLe Barbier des Voyeurs.
Nestled behind an elegant bluefacade, this boutique welcomes you with a woodenbarwhere you would be served with a friendly drink from the selectedspiritsor softs proposed by the patron. It’s maybe one of the onlybarsavailable inParisduringlockdowntime! By the way, if you’re seduced by theshotyou just tried, feel free to ask for the acquisition of the wholebottleto bring back home.
Then, once the homecosmeticsrange (mainly composed ofarganoil and essentialfragrances) introduced to you, check the countless offer of facial care for a softerbeardandhair, otherwise learn more about the different options ofbody care.
..which shot do you desire?Ready for a yesteryear trip?
From this facility point of view, you would better identify the inner concept of being aVoyeuror not. Therefore, whether you decide or not to be pampered by one of the several skilledteammembers, you may ask to open or close your surroundingred curtains. While seating in an authentic vintagebarber chair, you could ask for more or less intimacy the time of your privaterendez-vousfor a refreshedlook.
Thus, in thistheatricalframework, let you get amazed by a variety of services able to reveal the elegance of anyone, thanks to specificcare productsaccording to your hair and beard. Nonetheless, if you eventually feel convinced to get further, why don’t you accompany it with someaesthetictreatments? At the back of thesalon, in astonedroom, a series ofserviceseither dedicated to simplyrelaxyou,regenerateyour skin or even permanently remove byLEDyour useless body hair.
..and some jewels to try.A team to adopt..
In fact, each visit leads to a precious moment, and icing on the cake, a specialexit dooris possible for those of you who wish to escape thesalonfrom spying eyes.
Don’t also miss, in order to pursue the homemadephilosophy, to have a look at the trademark silverjewelrycollection, still inspired byAntiquity. Adding to this, if you’re a regular customer, you would be naturally granted by amember cardfor more beautyadvantagesand also feel free to share your experience with your friends, since a fullgift cardwas made to be offered.
Usual rates (including the welcome drink): 35 euros for the traditionalbeardcut, 25 euros for the3-day beardcut, 45 euros for a regularhaircut, 30 euros for additionalhair careor even 30 euros for a 30mnmanicure.
Le Barbier des Voyeurs, 38 Rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris (France) / Phone : 00 33 (0)1 45 38 51 22 / Open from Monday until Saturday, from 9am until 6pm. More information on the officialwebsite.